The Evil Dead board game is based on the classic horror movie franchise of the same name. The game is designed for 1-4 players, and takes place in the cabin in the woods where the movies take place. The objective of the game is to survive the night, or to be the first player to escape the cabin alive. The game is played over a series of rounds, with each round representing one hour of time. During each round, the players will take turns performing actions, such as moving around the cabin, looking for items, or fighting off the evil dead. The players can also use their action points to help other players, such as by giving them a weapon or helping them to escape. At the end of each round, the players will roll dice to see if any of the evil dead have appeared. If the players are unlucky, they may find themselves being attacked by zombies or possessed by demons. If this happens, the player will lose health points. If a player's health points reach zero, they are eliminated from the game. The game ends when either all of the players have been eliminated, or one player has successfully escaped the cabin. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.
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